Manaus - Gas Station for boats

Gas Station for boats

Manaus - Meeting of Amazon River & Rio Negro

Meeting of Amazon River & Rio Negro

Throwing net to catch fish

Throwing net to catch fish

Results of Rainy Season - Rio Negro floods

Results of rainy season

Local Houses deeper into Amazon forest

Houses deeper into Amazon forest

Family plays in flooded areas of Amazon River

Family plays in flooded areas

Making corn-meal type food from plant root

Making corn-meal type food from plant root

Main transportation along Amazon River

Main transportation along Amazon River

Houses on stilts when Amazon River rises 30 ft

Houses along Amazon River which rises 30 ft

Parintins - City in red and blue for competition

Parintins - City in red and blue for competition

Folklore Festival winners have bragging rights

Folklore Festival winners have bragging rights

Partintins - Even bikes are red and blue

Partintins - Even bikes are red or blue

Tiny town of Boca de Valeria

Tiny town of Boca de Valeria

Taxis in Boca de Valeria

Taxis in Boca de Valeria

Colorful house

Colorful house

Houses on stilts for flooding of Amazon River

Houses on stilts for flooding

Bailing out their basic canoe

Bailing out their canoe

Santarem - Horse carts widely used

Horse carts widely used

Heavy carts to use by hand

Heavy hand carts

Living outside Santerem in rainy season

Life during the rainy season

Difficult and wet living conditions

Difficult living conditions

Trying to catch fish

Trying to catch fish

Mother and child in small house

Mother and child in small house

Santerem - Boats jammed along dock

Boats jammed along dock

Boats are jammed with people and other items

Boat filled with people and other items