Amish girls in PA

Bicycles are heavily used in Cuba

Resting on the doorstep

High School clarinet player

Playing dominoes in Cuba

Newspaper anouncing Fidel Castro’s death

Music Instruction

Street Cleaning in Camaguey Cuba

Elderly Man

Pushing Wheelbarrow on Cobblestones

Making Pottery

Vegetable Vendor

Elderly man in Remedios Cuba

Resting on a bench in Cusco Peru

Check traffic before crossing the street

Elementary School in Peru

Emerging from underneath

Just visited a cemetery in Cusco Peru

Deep in thought

Priest in Cusco

Fixing Gas Lamp in Zagreb Croatia

Chasing Soccer Ball in Rovinj Croatia

Young Girl in Ljubljana Slovenia

Playing Backgammon in Cyprus

Street Painter in Mostar Bosnia

Looking Back in Siem Reap Cambodia

Playing Tro Sau Toch Instrument in Cambodia

Kratie Cambodia

Tour Boat in Kratie

Drying Rice

Puzzled Look

Plowing the fields

Trimming Bushes

Need Sun Cover in Laos

Lacquer-ware in Bagan

Neck Rings in Myanmar

Trimming Bushes in Laos

Shapping Tin in Laos

Young Monk in Luang Prabang Laos

Ayeyarwady River Myanmar

Carving Alabaster in Myanmar

Sale Myanmar

Carving Alabaster in very dusty

Sale Myanmar

Mother and son in Yandabo

Enjoying a Cigar in Bagan

Carrying Water

Yangon Myanmar

Selling fish in Bagan Myanmar

Young school girl in Bago Myanmar

Tour guide in Vietnam

Hand-carving wood in Con Phuoc Vietnam

Paddling a Basket Boat in Halong Bay

Tending the fields in Vietnam

Taking a rest

Hanoi Vietnam

Sweet expectations

Drying Corn on the street in Vietnam

Scooter Repair shop in Ho Chi Minh City

Paddling her boat in Hoi An Vietnam

Masai mother in Tanzania

Waiting for someone

Street Vendor cooking corn in Tanzania

Masai Women Chanting

Hand-carving wood in Pattaya Thailand

Young girls

Manila Philippines

Waiting for passengers

Interesting look

Playing Board Games in Busan South Korea

Using wood lathe in Toledo Spain

Checking her phone in Salamanca Spain

Bicyclist in Amsterdam

Watching Something


Covered up for reading

Security watch

Deep focus

Having a good laugh

Daily attire in San Antonio Palopo Guatemala

San Antonio Palopo Guatemala

Looking out

Enjoying the smell from food vendor

Dressed for annual catholic festival

Watching her laundry

Bringing the donkeys up the 300 ft walkway

Early morning fishing