Antigua, Guatemala


Cloths washing area in Antigua - still in use

Flower bike

Crawling on knees in church

Antigua, Guatemala

Common transportation - called “Chicken Bus”

Carrying fireworks for annual catholic festival

Primitive way to weigh food

Women carry large float during festival

About 18 women each side carry 1500 lb float

Lake Atitlan

Colorful dock on Lake Atitlan

Washing clothes in the lake

San Antonio Palopo - Backstrap weaving



Peten, Guatemala

Lonely Blue Heron in Peten

Tikal - Mayan Temple

Central Plaza at Tikal

Arenal Volcano in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Rincon de la Vieja - living in the rain forest

Rincon de la Vieja - in the rain forest

Fishing near La Fortuna

Drying Coffee Beans on cement floor