Meridian Gate facing Tiananmen Square

Meridian Gate facing Tiananmen Square

Forbidden City - Gate of Supreme Harmony

Forbidden City - Gate of Supreme Harmony

Forbidden City - Hall of Supreme Harmony

Hall of Supreme Harmony

Roof on Hall of Supreme Harmony

Roof on Hall of Supreme Harmony

Palace of Heavenly Purity

Palace of Heavenly Purity

Mythical animal figures on roofs

Mythical animal figures on roofs

One of many rooms for Concubines

One of many rooms for Concubines

China_City_Making Rug

Making silk rug

Streets of Beijing

Streets of Beijing

Summer Palace - Tower of Buddhist Incense

Summer Palace - Tower of Buddhist Incense

Many stairs to get to tower

Many stairs to get to tower

Paintings along ceiling of Long Corridor

Paintings along ceiling of 1/2 mile corridor

The Great Wall (13,000 miles long)

The Great Wall (13,000 miles long)

Very crowded and steep in many places

Very crowded and steep in many places

Large load to carry

Large load to carry

Changling Tombs - Stele Pavillion

Changling Tombs - Stele Pavillion

Hall of Eminent Favour

Hall of Eminent Favour

Incense Burning Stove

Incense Burning Stove

Sacred Walk at Changling Tombs

Sacred Walk at Changling Tombs

12 human statues

12 human statues

Offering Altar (front) & Soul Tower

Offering Altar (front) & Soul Tower