Original gates to old part of Xian

Original gates to old part of Xian

Wall encircled original city of Xian

Wall encircled original city of Xian

Wall is 8.5 miles long and 49 feet wide

Wall is 8.5 miles long and 49 feet wide

One of many temples along the wall

One of many temples along the wall

Lone biker on wall

Lone biker on wall

Wild Goose Pagoda

Wild Goose Pagoda

Repairing panel on Wild Goose Pagoda

Repairing panel on Wild Goose Pagoda

Terracotta Army (8000 soldiers in 3 sites)

Terracotta Army (8000 soldiers in 3 locations)

To protect emperor in afterlife

Built for first emperor of China (210 BC)

Many soldiers found in this condition

Many soldiers found in this condition

Every soldier is different

Every soldier is different

Bronze Chariot #1 (5 years to restore)

Bronze Chariot #1 (5 years to restore)

Bronze Chariot #2 (both found in pieces 1980)

Bronze Chariot #2 (both found in pieces 1980)