Wushan - Top of bridge is river height today

Wushan 2008 - Top of bridge is final river height

Walls of river very steep

Walls of river very steep

Sign on left is final height of Yangtze River

Sign on left is final height of Yangtze River

Walkway along cliffs made by nature

Walkway along cliffs made by nature

Hanging Coffins in cliffs (still a mystery)

Hanging Coffins in cliffs (still a mystery)

Going fishing

Going fishing

Family fishing boat

Family fishing boat

Lady of house taking care of food

Drying food outside farmhouse

China_Yichang Farm

Basic conditions inside home

Judges to afterlife at Fengdu (City of Ghosts)

Judges to afterlife - Fengdu (City of Ghosts)

Health, Judgement & Wealth bridges to cross

Health, Judgement & Wealth bridges to cross

Some of 18 mischievous ghosts

Some of 18 mischievous ghosts

Rooftop spiritual figures

Rooftop spiritual figures

Last-look at Home Pavilion

Last-look at Home Pavilion

Set of 5 locks next to Three Gorges Dam

Set of 5 locks next to Three Gorges Dam

The Bund in Shanghai

The Bund in Shanghai

Old houses among high-rises in Shanghai

Old houses among high-rises

Moped and bikes lined up

Moped and bikes lined up

Praying at temple

Praying at temple

Traditional style painting

Traditional style painting

Waiting for traffic

Bamboo scaffolding used in Shanghai

Bamboo scaffolding used in Shanghai