Floating Tori Gate at Itsukushima Shrine

Floating Tori Gate at Itsukushima Shrine

Walk out to Tori Gate at low tide

Walk out to Tori Gate at low tide

Itsukushima Shrine

Itsukushima Shrine

Laterns in a row

Laterns in a row

Itsukushima Shrine

Itsukushima Shrine

Onigawara (rooftop ornament)

Well manicured trees

Well manicured trees

Kousanji Temple

Kousanji Temple

Kousanji Temple

Kousanji Temple

Kousanji Temple

Kousanji Temple

Kousanji Temple

Kousanji Temple

Beautiful lunch and display

Beautiful lunch and display

Covered areas for bicycles

Covered areas for bicycles

Bicycle storage at Train Station

Bicycle storage at Train Station

Okonomiyaki - Popular Street Food

Okonomiyaki - Popular Street Food

Tatara Bridge

Tatara Bridge

Local Grocery Store

Local Grocery Store

Peace Memorial

Peace Memorial - A-Bomb Dome in background

Children's Peace Monument

Children's Peace Monument

Thousands of Paper Cranes

Thousands of Paper Cranes

Industrial Promotion Hall Before and After

Industrial Promotion Hall Before and After

Human shadow etched in steps

Human shadow etched in steps

Clothes worn by civilians

Clothes worn by civilians