Machu Picchu - Very interesting place

Machu Picchu

Huayna Picchu - Terraces at top of mountain

Huayna Picchu - Terraces at top of mountain

Magnificent view - alt. 8,000 ft

Magnificent view - alt. 8,000 ft

All land was utilized

All land was utilized

Agricultural terraces on steep hill

Agricultural terraces on steep hill

Different crops grown at different altitudes

Different crops grown at different altitudes

Many Terraces

Many Terraces

Royal Tomb

Royal Tomb

Rock was cut very smooth

Rock was cut very smooth

Wall on left for royalty and right for others

Wall on left for royalty and right for others

Ollantaytambo - massive Inca fortress

Ollantaytambo - massive Inca fortress

More terraces on buildings built into rock

More terraces on buildings built into rock

Terraces from valley floor

Terraces from valley floor

Terraces on right side of mountain

Terraces on right side of mountain

Sacred Valley is surrounded by  mountains

Sacred Valley is surrounded by mountains

Sacred Valley - alt. 8,000 ft

Sacred Valley - alt. 8,000 ft

Sacred Valley

Sacred Valley