Stretched Jeepney Taxi

Stretched Jeepney Taxi

Jeepney taxis very popular in Manila

Jeepney taxis very popular in Manila

Sarao Motors - Jeepney Factory

Sarao Motors - Jeepney Factory

Very colorful

Very colorful

Family transportation

Family transportation

Simple mode of transportation



Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam

Keeping Cool

Keeping Cool

Organ Pipes made of bamboo

Bamboo Organ Pipes in St Joseph Parish

Mechanism for Bamboo Organ

Mechanism for Bamboo Organ

Bellows for Bamboo Organ

Bellows for Bamboo Organ

San Agustin Church in Manila

San Agustin Church in Manila

Old and new housing in Manila

Old and new housing in Manila

Common housing

Common housing

Fishing Boat with Outriggers

Fishing Boat

Fishing Boats

Fishing Boats

Homes along the harbor

Homes along Manila harbor